
Around the World


Around the World

During the most Glorious Time of Year, Epcot puts its best foot forward with Epcot - Holidays Around the World. While the Magic Kingdom shall always be home to over-the-top secular celebrations of the season, Epcot has a much greater mission to fulfill. During these special 33 days at the end of the year Epcot reaches its full potential by proudly celebrating the “reason for the season.” But more than that, Epcot’s “Circle of Nations” truly does the miraculous by bring together many people of many faiths in an air of acceptance, inclusiveness and cooperation. It is also during this time that Epcot’s Ultimate Vision of instilling “a new sense of belief and pride in man's ability to shape a world that offers hope to people everywhere in the world” comes to fruition.

For more musical merriment, check out E82’s other Christmas Compilations

This compilation is for historical purposes only.
Not available for download.